Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Hello 2015....

wishing you all 
a fabulous


Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Have yourself....

MeRrY liTTle

 May your holidays be spent surrounded by the ones you cherish
 and your days are filled with 


Saturday, 20 December 2014

Twinkling greetings....


from Berlin.
Have a lovely fourth Advent!   

Monday, 15 December 2014

Simply magical....

December I love this month....
the cold crisp air filled with the smell of 
cinnamon, roasted nuts, tangerines and home baked goodies
soft cosy light from flickering candles
snuggling up to watch Christmas movies
sparkle and glitter everywhere
cooking the Christmas dinner for family & friends and of course eating it
listening to my favourite mix of seasonal songs
and even the pre Christmas stress doesn’t really faze me.
For me this always has been the most wonderful time of the year!
No “Bah Humbug” in me at the run up to Christmas.

Having said all this, this December has been a little different for me.
Normally I cant wait to get the decorations out
setting up the tree on Thanksgiving eve.
Not this year.... I have been feeling dare I say it a little “Bah Humbug”
I just couldn't seem to get into the festive spirit 
and so our tree was put up late for the first time ever.  
Truth be told, it may still not be up by now 
if the Paperdolls and Mr Mc hadn’t taken the initiative.

With the tree up, slowly my festive cheer has come, 
it has been slow and a little late in coming, but it is finally here. 
Thank goodness!!!

.... A seasonal welcome on our front door ....

 Baking with the Paperdolls
100 & 1000s 
in Christmas colours 
with mini stars and Christmas trees 
.... SoOoOoOoOoOo ÜBER cute ....

 ....Yummy cupcakes in all there festive glory....  

....  Lots and lots of glitter ....
After all Christmas isn't Christmas without it!

.... Candy-canes & Teacakes ....


 .... Sitting on the couch with a nice hot latte ....

.... Looking at the refection of the tree in the the mirror ....

 LoVe  LoVe  LoVe
the way it turns the mirror into a giant sparkling bauble

especially at night time!

*** Simply magical ***

How has your December been so far?