Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Christmas in Berlin....

Christmas is fast approaching.... 
you just cant miss it here in Berlin.
The City is filled with the smell of the season from 
all the Christmas Markets.
Twinkling lights sparkling wherever
and there are pretty reminders of the 
most wonderful time of the year.

Some bigger....

others smaller....

I loved this sweet little display 
outside a equally cute little shop 
in the Holländisches Viertel (Dutch quarters) 
in Potsdam.

 I have noticed a real shift in Berlin & Potsdam 
away from bright multi coloured lights
 to much more traditional lighting
"back to the roots" so to speak.
And as I have never been a fan of the big flashing lights,

 I'm thrilled to see 
the return to a more traditional German Christmas lighting!!! 

Without all these decorations though
you could be forgiven for claiming blissful
ignorance to the fact that Christmas is only hours away,
as the weather is anything but traditional.
 Frosty the Snowman....
has to be in chocolate this year, 
as snow is nowhere in sight.

  The weather really not even giving a tiny hint of this season. 
So unseasonable mild.... 

we can only enjoy frost crystals in glass for now.

Have a lovely day


  1. What a sweet little decoration that greenery and metal house make, just beautiful.
    Very mild here in the UK too, wet and windy most of the time recently.
    We have some teacakes here as well, I'm planning on letting my daughter cover them in icing to look like Christmas puddings.
    Happy Christmas.
    Lisa x

  2. I love seeing life in your part of the world and didn't realize that you are also having warmer than usual weather. I am sure missing the cold and snow and at least the dream of a white Christmas. Our dreams have been dashed this year!
