Tuesday 24 October 2017

A Little Make....

Normally I'm a creator in fabric & wool
this & last year however has been a little
different creatively speaking....
wood, paint & tiles have primarily been my creative outlet,
more out of necessity then choice if I'm honest.
The excitement of having finally made something in tweed
& denim this year, I guess is my justification of this
rather photo heavy post for a little cushion cover.

Most of my ideas swirl around forever in my head
before I get round to making them but then again there
are a few that just can't wait. 
Looking over at the wing-chair the other day
it just called out to me for a new cushion cover
that has a more Autumn feel about it.
With plenty of tweed scraps & denim in my stash
the fabric choice was easy.

As this cushion is right next to the hexagon blanket
it is important that the two work well together.
 I have always been someone that enjoys the design journey
(playing around with ideas & fabric)
 almost more then the making of it,
by the time I actually make (sew or crochet)
my project I have already mentally moved on to the next one. 

I LoVe deliberating over my design concepts
with a hot cuppa & sweet treat they are always
very helpful in finalizing my decision.


Once I have made a final decision on the layout, it's all go.

I don't like zips in cushion covers therefore I always make
mine without instead opting for a very generous overlap opening.
 However this piece of tweed unfortunately was barley
enoughe to cover the back cushion making the overlap
a little smaller then I like so I may add a pretty
button at a later stage.   

I chose to make mitered corners.
They are a little more fiddly especially with fabric
that is naturally quite bulky & stretchy like denim.
But I feel it's well worth the extra "straggle"
for a beautiful finish.

As Autumn winds are swishing outside
& rain hits the window
I looked over at my wing-chair this afternoon....

feeling HaPpY....

I'm in LoVe....
Oh sOoOo in LOVE!

Wishing you all a beautiful week!



  1. A perfect cushion and crochet ensemble.
    It is definitely worth taking time to deliberate over colour placement (with a sweet treat!) when the end result it so beautiful.
    BTW I love the string of silver acorns!
    Lisa x

  2. Your cushion is really lovely, Anna. I love the fabrics and the culours.
    It looks so cozy in your livingroom, have a lovely day.

  3. It looks beautiful, Anna! Perfectly cosy, textured and Autumnal. The mitred corners look great too - something I have yet to try! You could always use discreet poppers/snaps under the back edge to save you cutting and adding buttons, especially if you don't like having obvious or bulky openings.

  4. Beautiful work Anna. Have a happy day. Hugs.

  5. Ola Anna, passando para ver as novidades.
    Que lindo! adoro almofadas.
    Amei as cores.
    Bom final de semana.
    PAZ E BEM.
