Saturday 21 October 2017

Happy Watching....

With this season of Cold Feet coming to an end yesterday,
my evening TV drought especially on weekends has started.
I'm no "soaps" connoisseur, nor am I a lover of "talent" shows, 
so the run up to Christmas on TV 
is mostly a rather dull & boring affair for me.
Thank goodness for DVDs!
Thinking I may not be the only one out there who
finds telly a little uninspiring during the hibernation months,
I thought it'd be fun to share with you
ever so often one of my favorite films.
These posts are not reviews.... I'm no wannabe film critic.
You also won't find a long detailed synopsis about
the films highlighted on here either.
I see these posts more like a good host at a party, making the
introductions but the rest is up to you, nevertheless like a good host
I'm always very interested to hear your thoughts on it after.
Like everything else about me I don't fit neatly into one
specific film category box. There is however no point in denying
I'm very much a vintage & quirky movie girl at heart.
And therefor I'm starting off this "happy watching" series, with a film
that is vintage, quirky and has a real Autumn feel about it.
I LoVe murder mysteries & I like Hitchcock
but I definitely don't do gory blood & guts on screen,
I know to some that may seem a little contradictory....  

   "The Trouble with Harry"
however is perfect for exactly that contradiction. 
 Probably not the best known of Hitchcock's films,
it is the story of a small village during a beautiful
Vermont Autumn where the discovery of a newly dead body
in the woods creates more then a few problems
for some of the quirkier residents in the village.
A great black humored romantic comedy with stunning
scenery and unbelievable calmness even in the panic,
a real joy to watch!
The introduction is made,
 now I would LoVe to hear what you think?!?

HaPpY WaTcHiNg


  1. I discovered this movie last year. It was so good and like you say so un-Hitchcock like. We thought that the young lad in it was excellent, he delivers his punch lines so well.
    The countryside of Vermont is stunning, definitely a movie to settle down and watch at this time of year.
    Looking forward to reading your other recommendations.
    Lisa x

  2. Ooh I haven't seen this one so will keep an eye out for it. I only started watching Hitchcock films in the last year or so (shocking, I know!) but I'm steadily working my way through. In the process I've become a James Stewart fan!

  3. Moving on to see the news.
    Good week.

  4. Hello Anna! Interesting film, I haven't seen it, and haven't seen Hitchcock in many years. I like to watch crime, but not the very brutal ones. I have also thought about writing about my favourite films on my blog, I love the romantic and "dreamy" films...
    I will watch out for your film, Anna.
    Have a beautiful day,
