Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Memories in a Jar....

Not having to rush off to work and with the house
in utter silence this morning,
I took time to really enjoy my breakfast.
 A perfect Autumn breakfast.
Flickering candle, steaming fluffy latte
and the taste of summer on my bagel!

In August when my Dad came to visit for a few weeks we took
a little trip to a self-pick fruit farm to get a few strawberries
for a tart I was planing on making for dessert that evening....

a couple hours of.... one in my tummy two in the basket, 
or possibly the other way round.... who is counting !?!
we ended up returning home with mountains of yummy fruit.
Easily done, when you're having fun!
That evening I made not one, not two but three tarts.
Once finished the fruit mountain had barely been touched
so Mr Mc dug out our preserve jars and I got busy making Rote Grütze.
For those of you not so familiar with it, 
Rote Grütze (Rødgrød) is a red fruit pudding very popular in Germany & Denmark
during the summer months, mostly eaten with a vanilla sauce or ice-cream.
Mr Mc, myself & Teen Paperdoll are no huge fans of it
but Baby Paperdoll & my Dad absolutely LoVe it! 
Two 1kg jars filled to the brim later (sorry for the lack of photos
the jars got emptied just as fast as I had filled them)
we still had masses of fruit left over.
The only solution....
Making jam.... lots & lots of jam!
Strawberry & raspberry jam mix with a hint of vanilla.
The taste of the very best of summer in a jar.

 For me each jar is also filled with the
 much cherished memories of that beautiful day,
making it the perfect start to my day all year round!


  1. Your breakfast looks like such a delicious way to start the day.
    Raspberries are so luscious, I could eat them every day.
    Lisa x

  2. It looks so good, Anna... Homemade jar is heavenly, I would like to taste yours.. So much good one can make of berries, and then you have a taste of summer left.
    Wishing you a nice weekend.

  3. Oh wow, that sounds delicious! A good homemade jam is hard to beat, in flavour and vibrant colour. My granny used to make lovely jams, quite often add plums to her strawberry jam, and I loved loading it up on a fresh white loaf, squidging out the sides! Bliss.
