....has it really been that long since my last post.
SORRY!!!! Life at the moment seems to be on fast forward &
I still haven’t found the pause button.
I‘m not sure how it is in your life, in mine everything
(birthdays....play dates....party’s....parents evening’s....school assemblies....
SORRY!!!! Life at the moment seems to be on fast forward &
I still haven’t found the pause button.
I‘m not sure how it is in your life, in mine everything
(birthdays....play dates....party’s....parents evening’s....school assemblies....
girlie nights in/out....more birthdays....the list go’s on)
always happens all at once.
always happens all at once.
And I need to be at them all....
no not them all really but I often feel it is expected of me.
no not them all really but I often feel it is expected of me.
Well me (surely most Mums) & guilt....trying to be everything to everyone.
I am very excited though....
last week I indulged in my love for rosettes,
cute fabric ones with lots of delightful ribbons.
cute fabric ones with lots of delightful ribbons.
I made table numbers and a pay here sign in rosette style for the fast approaching
Vintage Tearoom at the beginning of June.
Designed guest checks, buntings are being worked on as I write this.
Painting mini trays and turning them into chalk boards &
make mini clip boards for guest checks is next. Photos will follow!
So as you can see I’m busy with lots of little bits & bobs.
So as you can see I’m busy with lots of little bits & bobs.
Trying to remembering to take photos and
always in the back of my mind thinking of keeping you updated!
Again !!SORRY!!
for my long absence from here and this being only a short post.
for my long absence from here and this being only a short post.
I will try my very best to be back sooner the next time.
Until then
I wish you lovely days filled with
laughter, sunshine &
I wish you lovely days filled with
laughter, sunshine &
anything else that makes you happy!
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