Monday, 9 June 2014

Taking stock….

There has been much I wanted to share with you over the past few weeks….

♥ some pretty makes ♥

♥beautiful blossom in the garden ♥

♥ a charity run ♥

♥ some yummy baking ♥
…. just my lives little pretties.

Things have been a little busy around here and this week will be just as chock a block.
But I have also come to realise writing doesn’t come easy to me.
It’s a real task, one I have come to dread a little.  I am a pleaser,  a little perfectionist
and a big self doubter by nature, believe me it’s not a great mix especially as a blogger.
The pleaser in me tries to conform…. the perfectionist is always striving for perfection
in all I do, never quite getting there and the self doubter is always questioning everything.
When I sit down in front of my Mac to type out a new post my struggle begins…
 I over analyse every word I write…. question the quality of my photos....
 doubt the worthiness of every post and my being on here.

Oh I so wish I was a “I don’t care what people think “ kinda person.

I so wish!

I ’m so fearful of rambling on boring every one, 
I start…. restart…. edit…. re-edit…. delete & restart every post.
By the end the finished post resembles nothing I had thought of writing about in the first place.
The really funny thing is when I’m busy doing the dull little jobs of my every day life
laundry, emptying the dishwasher, hoovering or just rushing from a to b,
I write the most amazing posts in my head, in next to no time putting them on paper
virtual or real just seems impossible.
It all ends in me usually pushing the writing to the next day then the next and so on.
Before I know it, weeks have past by with out a post being published making me feel a
complete failure on the blogging front.
It has made me question this whole blogging thing and I was ready to chuck it all in,
over the past couple of weeks.
Worrying about what others think and trying to please can be so very stifling!
Being selfish ever so often, even daring to saying “NO”, on the other hand can be quite freeing.

 I have decided to continue with this little space of mine, with a more selfish approach. 

It is OK if my blogging may be infrequent as long as I enjoy the writing of the post.
I know that my post will never read like the pages of a bestseller,  I may also occasionally
ramble on a bit that is also fine by me to, my spelling is a bit wonky at times,
 I will repeat words like LOVE & PRETTY over and over
and why not I like this words.  My photos will be of pretty little things,
sometimes meaningless to the post they are attached to, but they make me smile.
I started this blog for me to have my own little space where I am me,
where I can share what I enjoy & love not to feel pressured or guilty
finding myself say sorry all the time. 
It’s so lovely to know there are people out there that like to coming over here to share
a little of my life and I always love to here from them.
I just don't want to worry to much about the great big world and whether or not it approves.
I have to be happy with this space and it has to reflect me.
 After all this is my blog....

Have a beautiful week


1 comment:

  1. I think your blog and sentiments are lovely. Truly. When I first started blogging, I did it strictly for myself. It was a place to hold my ideas an memory. That is really what it still is. I'm with you though and I only post when I'm moved to do so. When I try to force it, it never works for me. I'm adding you to my reader and look forward to reading whatever you post whenever you are in the mood to do so.
