Mr Mc is leaving the army after 24 years this week,
time for me to say goodbye to my life as I have known it for the past 20 years….
I find it hard to put into words how I feel….
I have so very mixed emotions about it all….
nervous & excited
scared and yet ever hopeful
happiness and tremendous sadness!
Sadness…. overwhelming sadness when I think of the friends I leave behind.
Army life is a rollercoaster of extremes,
Oh boy…. huge extremes no day is like the next
one of the things you need to get you through it all, are good friends.
Friends that share that rollercoster ride with you.
I have been very lucky that I have had some amazingly beautiful friends to share
my highs & lows with….
Friends that I could confide in
Friends that embraced my little quirks and not judge me for them
Friends that I could always call on ….night or day
Friends that would travel for miles to be by my side when I needed them
Friends that would make me laugh till my belly hurt
Friends I shared endless cups of coffee with talking about god & the world
Friends that helped me in making my crazy little ideas come true (vintage tearoom)
Friends that I have shared homemade yummys with
Friends who encouraged and pushed me to believe in myself
Friends that wiped away the tears and gave me a hug when I needed it
Friends that even when they are a million miles away, are always right beside me
time for me to say goodbye to my life as I have known it for the past 20 years….
I find it hard to put into words how I feel….
I have so very mixed emotions about it all….
nervous & excited
scared and yet ever hopeful
happiness and tremendous sadness!
Sadness…. overwhelming sadness when I think of the friends I leave behind.
Army life is a rollercoaster of extremes,
Oh boy…. huge extremes no day is like the next
one of the things you need to get you through it all, are good friends.
Friends that share that rollercoster ride with you.
I have been very lucky that I have had some amazingly beautiful friends to share
my highs & lows with….
Friends that I could confide in
Friends that embraced my little quirks and not judge me for them
Friends that I could always call on ….night or day
Friends that would travel for miles to be by my side when I needed them
Friends that would make me laugh till my belly hurt
Friends I shared endless cups of coffee with talking about god & the world
Friends that helped me in making my crazy little ideas come true (vintage tearoom)
Friends that I have shared homemade yummys with
Friends who encouraged and pushed me to believe in myself
Friends that wiped away the tears and gave me a hug when I needed it
Friends that even when they are a million miles away, are always right beside me
to you all
you have made my last 20 years a ride to remember!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
With all the focus on our move I have completely missed the
self pick Strawberry season, no homemade strawberry jam or cakes for us this year.
I’m making up for it with the plum season, plum crumble has been a weekly treat.

I have baked a lot over the last couple of weeks,

I have baked a lot over the last couple of weeks
I love sharing homemade yummys with my friends near by,
I will miss not being able to do that.
In between baking,
packing for the move has been a daily chore of mine for the last couple of weeks.
I don't mind packing the pretties and I leave the boring stuff for Mr Mc.
It’s a little crazy really, that we pack most of the house up as
we get a full packing service but Mr Mc likes it that way.
Every time we have moved over the last 20 years he gets us started packing 8 weeks before we move something I will not miss about Army life.

When I have not been packing I have tried to enjoy every spare minute in our garden.
I just love and will miss this garden we have created.
I only hope that the people who move into this house after us,
will appreciate it and look after it.
The hydrangea’s have been especially beautiful this summer
almost as a little farewell to us they put on an extra full bloom.
On the days that the weather has just been to wet & cold
I just ran outside to cut a fresh posy to bring the garden inside.
I have to say the posies got bigger and bigger as the weeks went on.
Once the furniture is all packed up the real fun begins
….cleaning to march out standard,
something else I will most definitely not miss about Army life.
For today it’s time for me to sign off as the removal men are packing all around me
and I better make sure they are not packing our overnight suitcases.
and I better make sure they are not packing our overnight suitcases.
So Mr Mc, the Paperdolls and I are now off to new adventures!!

I will hopefully see you back on here very soon!
Have a beautiful week.
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