Tuesday, 2 July 2013

I really did it....

.......... for me personally a huge achievement.  
At the start I had only two targets for me in mind ....to finish the 5km in an hour....
&....not being the last one across the line.  Well I accomplished both, 
but I couldn’t have done it without the fantastic help and support of my spinning instructor Lisa, 
who stayed with me all the way.  Giving me the perfect mix of encouragement 
and kick up the back side.  I love spinning & cycling and can walk for miles 
but running is a big fat no no for me I am hopeless at it and it is definitely the weak point in my fitness and whilst I’m not a quitter in life, running is one thing I can happily “throw in the towel” at.  
During my run/walk/run a passage from a book my aunt had read to me as a child entered 
into my head.  MOMO by Michael Ende, in the book Beppo a street-cleaner tells Momo that 
“some times when you look at the whole long street, you rush...and rush but it seems not to get any shorter and soon your out of breath but you are nowhere near the end of the street but if you only think of the next step & the next.... before you know it you have done the whole street 
without realizing it and you aren’t out of breath”.  
Mmm.. not sure if the not out of breath part applies here, I was gasping for air 
like a Husky in a Hawaiian heat wave by the end of the run, but as far as not thinking 
of the whole distance it definitely worked for me.  Especially when I was struggling most 
knowing how much further I have to go would have been defeating for me.  
I crossed the finish line in 45 minutes to the cheers of Mr Mc & my Paperdolls 
and a very supportive crowd ....a little emotional for me....  
and was nowhere near the last to cross,  yes I know its not a world record 
nevertheless for me personally a success.  And somewhere in all my excitement of crossing 
the finish line I think I agreed to “run” another 5km charity run in September?!  
I must be a glutton for punishment!!  That was of course before my whole body 
went into pain over drive and I discovered I will lose 2 toenails.  
But looking at the bright side we raised a fair amount of money for Cancer Research UK, 
I can cross the running thing of my bucked list before I wrote one and seriously thinking of joining our local running club.  I let you know whether my thoughts have taken me to join or not?  
Bye for now and have a lovely week!!!  

P.s......Momo by Michael Ende(better known as the author of the Neverending Story) 
is a great book not just for children but adult alike.  
It gives us all young & old food for thought on what is really important in life!!  
Well worth a read.

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