Wednesday, 24 July 2013

My bike gets a makeover ......

It all kinda started after moving to Germany.  Strange really?  
Whilst we were living in the UK I didn't really miss a bike.
Cycling on UK country roads is nothing for the faint hearted.
But after moving to Germany and discovering the most amazing purpose build cycle paths infrastructure I missed having a bike especially the freedom that comes with having one.
I don't drive and the public transport is good but limited out here in the sticks,
 and on a family holiday to Denmark I saw lots and lots of beautiful bikes in a wide mix 
of colour’s decorated with pretty handmade extras.
The idea of me owning a pretty bike didn't leave me alone and I went to our local
independent bike-shop and showed him some photos of the bikes I had seen. 
Lets say he was a little skeptical about the whole idea of bikes in pretty colour’s and didn’t see a market for that kinda look around here.  In fairness to him I am talking a good few years ago before every life style magazine had a picture on the front cover or inside including a retro bike in some way or another.  What was great though whilst he may not got it (the look), he was happy to help me get the bike I wanted and that is why I always like to buy from independent retailers, they will go the extra mile for their costumer as they know a happy costumer is a returning costumer. 
I can so vividly remember the day I picked my bike up with its lovely wicker basket.
I had butterflies in my tummy after all I had not been on a bike for 10+ years so a 3km ride home was a little scary and I must have looked like someone who had too much alcohol in the system 
the way I was swerving all over the place.  
After arriving home I immediately got started with making the liner for the basket 
and ever since that day my bike and I have been inseparable.
I love my Bike & the freedom it gives me, I wouldn’t want to be without it.

....the freedom to go to farmers markets and buy much more than fits into the basket....
Hence for quite a while now I have been looking for some pretty but also sturdy Pannier bags.
Once again it was my local bike-shop who came to the rescue and found these ones for me. 
I love them not just because they are very pretty but really roomy & sturdy.
But next to the new bags the basket liner looked very tired & old. 
However could I find a fabric that would work with the Pannier bags
....NO.... it was starting to get a little frustrating for me.

....But sometimes things are just meant to be 
and walking into the Fabric & Wool shop in town it all fell into place....
I had only gone in for a wee browse for sock wool as I like to make a pair of wellie socks,
but the first thing I saw was this lovely blue fabric called Gypsy Girl 
by Lily Ashbury for Moda Fabrics. 
It reminds me so much of my early childhood.  Yes I am a child of the seventies 
and whilst I normally detest mostly all of the seventies fashion & furniture,
I really like this fabric.
The sock wool was all forgotten about! 

What I love most about sewing is playing around with fabrics and seeing how they can work together
However the colour of sewing thread and choice of stitch is just as important
it can really change the overall look and make a feature of something 
that otherwise would go un-noticed. 
For me it often makes all the difference between a OK or a great finish.

Excuse my over indulgence with photos on this post but I really love the way 
the whole revamp has turned out!!

....A prettier bell has also been on my wish list for a while 
but all the ones I liked had a price tag I didn't like with it....
So most important to me was that I will not spend any money on the revamping of the bell. all adds up and before I know it a small fortune is spent.
Believe me, I have done that numerous amount of times in the past with other revamps. 
So this time I only used what was already in the house.
And voilà ....
I my new but old bell!!    

It’s the little....very little....things that make me so happy like this button with the red thread.

With the revamp finished plus the absolutely fabulous weather,
 (sorry I’m not going to complain about the heat, I think its great)
 I had to take my bike for a spin a couple of days ago.
Maybe not the best idea to go on a 12km trip in the full glare of the midday sun,
early morning or evening may have been a bit easier to cycle in. 


Nevertheless once I arrived I rewarded myself with a little picnic I had brought along and
enjoyed reading the new Molly Makes in peace and quiet.
Something I never really seem to find time for at home. 
It was so peaceful, time was standing still.
But ever so often the church bells remind me that time was ticking away.

And like all good things it had to come to an end much to soon.
But with scenery like this even the journey home was lovely!!
Well .... the Paperdolls have started their summer holidays today
and I have a couple of projects I have started & like to finish over the next couple of weeks 
plus a another Vintage Tearoom next week,
so no chance of me getting bored over the summer holidays!!
 Thank you so much for popping by its always nice to see you here.
Enjoy the fabulous weather while it lasts!

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