Sunday, 22 March 2015


This past couple of weeks have been bliss for me 
the sun has been shining rather a lot 
and somehow that always puts me floating on a fluffy cloud of happiness.  
Spring has sprung everywhere I look and it is so beautiful.

 My heart always skips with excitement in spring. 

A new oilcloth & pastel coloured placemats on the dinner table 
has brought that happy spring feeling from outside into the house. 

I’m normally not a big fan of cut flowers with the exception of tulips.  
I love having bunches & bunches of them small and large 
all over the living room at this time of year. 

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Teen Paperdoll and we were the host to a 
very lovely seventeen year old Bulgarian exchange student over the last week, 
it was her first trip outside of Bulgaria 
and the first time she stepped foot on a plane. 
Can you imagine how exiting it must have been for her 
to come to Berlin on her first trip abroad. 
So much history to see, touch, a fast city 
with endless glittering lights at night.
 I think it was a little too much in this short time to take all in.  
For me it was so wonderful to share in the magic 
that this first trip held for her, a real blessing to have been a part of.  

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I also find my creativeness always flourishes during the spring months. 
So the domestic delights (washing, ironing & cleaning) had to wait,
I have enjoyed simple & fast breakfast that allowed me to spend
as much of my free time during the Paperdolls school hours
with my very nice new sewing machine courtesy of Mr Mc. 

 Last week my old denim jacket got a little makeover. 

 Attaching the fabric on the outer collar was pretty straight forward and easy.

 The elbow patches on the other hand were a bit of a challenge. 
The free arm on a domestic sewing machine 
is just not designed for this sort of project.  
I had to push, twist and pull a lot to get it right, 
mostly though I needed plenty of patience.  
Where there is a will there is a way and all that…. 

After I had attached the collar & elbow fabric 
I felt the jacket was missing something, 
for me it looked a little bland at the front. 
 I thought of covering the cuffs but as I looked at the jacket again 
the pocket jumped out as the more quirky place to add a bit of fabric to. 

I had to take the pocket completely off to get a nice neat finish.  
It turned out not as littler makeover
as I thought it to be at the beginning. 

The extra work was well worth it in the end though. 
I love the finished look and with this wonderful spring weather 
I have enjoyed wearing the jacket already.

Needless to say I’m working on a few other sewing projects 
namely a tweed crossover bag and a tartan cape.     

Watch this space....
There it is the past week I have just floated on a fluffy cloud of happiness 
filled with sunshine, spring air and plenty of creativeness. 
Have a great start to the new week!!

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