Thursday, 26 November 2015

My seasonal Mantel....

Oh my.... 
the weather has fast changed around here
....frosty nights with very chilly mornings,
not that I'm complaining 
crisp air mornings with stunning sky's.

We had our first snow here.
It was literally just a sprinkling though
and it had gone just as fast as it came.


My scarf is coming along rather nicely....
hopefully ready to wear within days.

It will be very little like the one I set out to make
....not anything new there
I'm just no good at rigidly following instructions.
Maybe that is why I tend to make my own designs
rather then use someone else's. 
When I use a set pattern I always feel the need
to put my own spin onto it.

With the cold weather my yearning for Christmas started. 
So the first decorations snuck into my living-room
a couple of days ago ....just a few. 
I have to confess I'm rather thrilled
that this year I'm feeling the Christmas spirit again,
I was worried it had left me for good
after my lack of seasonal get-go last year!

My mantelpiece was given it's little Christmas spin.
I'm not a great planner
when it comes to my mantel decorations they just happen.
I take a little from here & a little for there
and somehow I'm always in LoVe with the finished look.
Every year I think that that years decorations are the best ever 
....only to find the following year
I think the same of that years decorations.    

2015 Christmas mantel was made with....
a old Christmas favoured
my little white tea light house & bottle brush trees
mixed with a World-map canvases bought this summer
 for a another home decor idea I had....

adding my trusty little red beetle....


 skis made from ice-lolly sticks....

two old jewellery boxes....

I especially love the frayed soft blue silk one,
it was handed-down to me by my favoured great aunt
she in-turn had it from her mother my great grandmother,
both were very stylish Lady's in there day.
The Lady's are no longer with us,
I love the idea though
 they are still very much part of our festive season
 trough the box.


and I better not forget the chocolate snowman
 ....just hoping he survives the season,
not end up melting in someone's mouth
(not mentioning anyone's name)
 before the month is over.

My favoured Christmas mantel....
until next year that is!




  1. Love all of your cheery touches of Christmas! Your mantle is just perfect.

  2. I popped over from Cottage Nest and I'm so glad I did.
    I absolutely love your mantel, this is one of the prettiest I've ever seen.
    The boxes are such a personal touch.
    I am in love with your forest of trees. I have some artificial snow and hope to be inspired to create my own winter scene.
    I hope you are enjoying the festivities.
    Lisa x
