Friday 5 February 2016

Glass half full....

My last few days have been a little horrendous....
no I'm not referring to the never ending grey wet drab weather 
we been having pretty much ever since I have arrived here!
But a spell of rotten luck ....testing my always half full outlook on life.
On Saturday the pipes in my kitchen tap decided to give way to all the 
internal corrosion. Why do these things always happen on a weekend?!?
We needed an emergency plumber ....not cheap let me tell you. 
Ever the person that sees the glass half full, I put my positive spin onto it....
being thankful that we were at home when it happened 
and now know where the stopcock is (handy info to have).
My half full outlook was tested again on Sunday when we discovered
our two year old dishwasher has decided to have some issue 
with the idea of washing dishes.
After getting in touch with Miele it is clear that we need an engineer 
(more expensive expense) only problem Miele don't service 
the Inverness area direct,
so I'm waiting now to hear from a Miele sub contractor. 
My positive spin on that.... 
at least the tap is working again allowing me to wash the dishes by hand.
Not enough with that and by Tuesday lunchtime my glass started to look 
more emty then full when our garden got flooded 
....not an act of God or nature which ever you prefer but neglect!
After trying to deal with our local council to get the matter resolved, 
as it was their neglect, I can well & truly say my rose tinted glasses are off, 
with the glass emptier then emty if that is even possible!
  There is one thing I absolutely detest.... 
slippery shoulders & refusal to use common sense!
 I really have no time for it. 
To cut a very VeRy VERY infuriating story short 
(filled with a complete lack of people skill's 
and willingness to find a solution at that time on the councils part), 
only after a reminder to the council of it's legal obligations 
did things start to move.  I'm happy to report the simple solution
(needing one man with a spade) we had suggested was finally listened to 
and as we had predicted it stopped the flooding immediately! 
No permanent solution but a good intermediate fix.
OoOh.... so simple! 

I'm happy to say my glass is starting to look half full again!

A pretty cup filled with yummy 
hot chocolate topped by fluffy milk & marshmallows,  
a beautiful little rose bush I picked up in the supermarket

together with my new February mantel have helped to fill my glass! 

Just what I needed!

Have a great weekend



  1. Oh my goodness it does sound as though you have been having a bit of a trying time. Things can get so much more frustrating when others are involved and their actions are more of a hindrance. I do hope the situations are all looking rosier by now.
    I love your new mantel. The L sign is so elegant and perfect for February. Is that part of a picture frame used to make the L of your Love sign on the floor?
    Lisa x

  2. Lisa, thank you things are looking a little rosier now! Thanks for your sweet comment on my mantel. Your are right the fancy L I made from an old picture frame last year and this year I only gave the Love sign a little update by swapping the fabric heart with a white wreath with fairy lights.
    Anna xx

  3. Hi Anna, I hpoe you can relax a little now after all your troubles... It is always quite a work to settle down in a new house, you don't need much trouble also... But all things often happens at once, don't they?
    I love the small hearts hanging on your mantel!
    Wishing you a calm weekend...


  4. Well it is absolutely no fun when you have to fight to fill your glass! Here's to better days right around the corner!
