Sunday, 30 April 2017

A Month Well Lived....

I'm a little sad to say goodbye to this April,
 it has been a lovely month.
I have enjoyed just going with the flow taking each
moment as it comes.

Among all the grey, wet & cold we have
had a few sunny moments, mostly very early mornings & late afternoons.
I have been eating my breakfast standing in my kitchen a few mornings
this month trying to catch a glimpse of that sun and playing around with ideas
for a new kitchen that hopefully will include a little dining area, fingers crossed.
I also rediscovered my liking of bagels this month.

Every member of the family enjoyed the warming sun when it was about.
Guinness has always been a bit of a sun worshiper!  
Hard to believe this little fella will celebrate his
twelfth Birthday at the end of May!

Talking of Birthdays.... I celebrated mine earlier on this
month with this super yummy homemade burger by Mr Mc.
No cake for me this year  ....entirely my choice.
For Lent this year I had chosen to give up sweet sugary treats
and my Birthday happened to land before Easter ....c'est la vie.
But even without a cake I still had a beautiful day with
my family, pretty decorations and lovely presents.

I created a small herb garden in the back yard.
There still is so much to do in my wannabe garden but little things like
this make my heart jump with happy excitement for the things to come.

 I have noticed I seem to have a thing for wearing
sparkly shoes to the beach.

Well....truth be told I LoVe wearing sparkly shoes full stop!!!
And this month I have went a little shoe crazy
buying an unbelievable six pairs in one go.
In my defense though that is the first time ever I have bought so many all
at once, they were cheap, much to pretty only to choose just one from
and I was in really REALLY desperate need for Spring / Summer shoes. 

Been there, done that & got the t-shirt to prove it.
My first concert in many many years.
Amy MacDonald at the Ironworks in Inverness, it's a nice
small venue giving the concert a very intimate feel.  
The tickets were my Christmas pressie from teen Paperdoll.
Mr Mc & I had a great time and Amy sounds fab live.

With my Auntie visiting for a week we did what we always do
when we have visitors, exploring Scotland.
Urquhart Castle & Loch Ness was one of the destinations,
Mr Mc & I were last here over twenty years ago and couldn't quite believe
how much this place had changed.  It has become a real tourist trap
unbelievably commercialised, nine pound to get into the grounds
of Urquhart Castle for an adult only to be first channeled through
the gift shop ....extremely unpleasant.
The film that was show lacked in substance, jumping wildly within centuries.
Only our funny guide Donald saved the day.
I know I won't be rushing back any time soon with visiting family or friends. 

Thankfully for now
 the view over the stunning Highlands is still free.


My new "BFF" going by the name of chalk & I have been fairly busy,
so much so I decided it is cheaper to invest in a box
of a 144 chalk sticks.

Looking through my photos.... I realised I lived a fair bit in
creativity this month really enjoying that special time.

and a wonderful side affect of reconnecting with my blog has been
that I have made a much more conscious effort to capture
these moments the way I like to remember them.


There have also been plenty of mundane moments around this month,
seldom do they look as pretty as today´s sorting of the washing.
But mundane can have a simple beauty. 
I LoVe my washing drying outside on the line, it gets that
lovely natural fresh smell that you can't buy in a bottle! 

Moments.... big & small, good & bad, happy & sad
really are all part of the journey and this month
it has been a beautiful journey



  1. So beautiful photos!
    I love the cute bunny! I have a bunny too.
    Happy days in this lovely May for you and hope loads of sunny days!


  2. Bagels, burgers, a bunny, beautiful shoes and a bountiful garden. A treasure trove of good things from one month for sure. Love the new chalk drawings.
    Belated happy birthday wishes.
    Hope May is a good one too.
    Lisa x

  3. Hello dear Anna, what a lovely post!
    I love your little herb garden, and your shoes, I am crazy about shoes...
    Beautiful photos of the landscape in Scotland, I have always wanted to visit it.
    Nice weekend to you,

    Love, Ida
