Thursday 28 March 2013

A little TLC...

Last week was a rather strange one for me, 
as both Mr Mc and teen Paperdoll were of gallivanting
across Europe at the same time.  
I’m very used to Mr Mc being away for long periods of time, 
in exotic locations half way across the world, so nothing new there.  
Teen Paperdoll also has traveled in the past without us,
but both at the same time on 
different ends of the Continent was a new one for me.

After packing a “CARE” parcel with home-made goodies
for teen Paperdoll’s long bus journey and a early morning start,
baby Paperdoll and I were left in a rather quiet house!!
Perfect time to get busy in baby Paperdoll’s room!!! 
It never cease to amaze me how much “treasure” the Paperdolls can gather. 
For me (a treasure LOVER) there is a very....
very fine line between treasure and clutter. 
Not surprising the Paperdolls and I differ on what is what. 
“PLEASE de-clutter me” baby Paperdoll’s room had been shouting at me
and to be perfectly honest I had been ignoring it for a while.
But it needed doing so no better time than the present.  
My fears over long arguments with baby Paperdoll
on what can stay and what has to go were completely unfounded
and she was fab, it went so smooth we actually had a lot of fun
reminiscing over toys & books I was surprised
how many early detailed memories she has.  
Baby Paperdoll was more ruthless in de-cluttering then I would have been.
Whilst de-cluttering I noticed the wooden toy shop
which she had inherited from teen Paperdoll was very loved 
and needed a bit of TLC to bring it back to its former glory. 
So de-cluttering turned into revamping (which I love)!!!

 With a little paint....
some spray glue....labels made on the mac....fabric & draw knobs

       old transformed into.... almost new

         drab new into.... colourful new     

As soon as I finished with the room, baby Paperdoll was having a Tea party.  
I'm not sure how much longer Baby Paperdoll will play like that, 
as she is much closer to her teen than baby years.  
But I really hope we have a few more years yet of watching her
being the Dolly’s Mum 
it’s so delightful to watch and makes me giggle every time.

The week over, the traveller's found there way back home
and with them has returned the normal  hustle & bustle to our house,
quiet is lovely for a time but to much of it can be somewhat deafening!!!

Goodness......... we are at the end of March already!!
 Not that a look out of my window will tell you that. at the beginning of the month
I had made so many plans what I like to do this month,
well truthfully only few have been started & even less have been finished!
That is the problem with me and my plans,
they work great in my head but never as good in practice.  
But here is hoping for Aprils plans!

All that is left for me to say for today

Have a 
filled with happiness, 
lots & lots of scrumptious chocolate eggs 
and plenty of sunshine!!!

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