Wednesday, 31 August 2016

This & That Happy....

with my extra long bank-holiday weekend.
It's so lovely to potter around from here to there at my own pace.
Made a little more special as I got to enjoy the house 
in all it's peace & quiet for a few hours over the last few days
with the Paperdolls & Mr Mc back at school & work!
I need the silence to hear myself!
I LoVe my family very much and I wouldn't want to be 
without them EVER however "ME" time is ÜBER important to me
and I don't want to feel guilty enjoying it!
Something I'm slowly learning. 

HeXaGoN  HaPpY.... 
the hexagon blanket is coming on rather nicely. 
....the mix & match yarns are fast disappearing
with the pinks, pale blue & mustard already all done. 
I spent Monday morning trying to figure out
the best arrangement, with the help of a few
lattes and much playing around I have concluded,
I could be spending days trying to find the perfect layout
and still not be happy, no layout strategy is the best strategy!
Next step now is finding (buying) a yarn as a 
connecting and framing colour, that may take a little while.

GaRdEn  HaPpY....
The weather was a bit of a mixed bag this weekend
.... I guess the nice weather couldn't last forever!
During the rain showers Mr Mc & I dashed to garden centers
for a few new flowery additions and
this beautiful trug also found it's way home with me.
I have been LONGING for this style trug forever seriously it's been years & years....
I always made an excuse why I shouldn't buy one
 ....that guilt thing again....
....after all I'm no gardener why do I really need a fancy trug....
Saturday I finally picked one up, took it to the till and
bought it before I could even think of talking myself out of it.
I'm very happy to say no guilt felt by me this far just sheer delight! 

We also picked up some plants of course
which we managed to plant during the sunnier spells.
I'm a real "fly by the seat of my pants" kinda gardener.
Experiment & hope for the best is my motto!
I need plants that look after themselves.
Watering, a little occasional pruning and feeding 
all within my capability but not much more.  
I have two ways of picking plants firstly I like there names,
 secondly they have spoiled me with a felling of
gardening success in past garden experiments.
General Sikorski falls into the latter group
I have had this Clematis before and I agree with the
RHS Award of Garden Merit for reliability, 
so far this one has never let me down in my previous gardens.
So here is hoping for this one.

What is not to LoVe about Pansies?!
Perfectly HaPpY flowers,  
so adorable in this pot, making a perfect distraction
from my ugliest of ugly front door.

PaInT  HaPpY....
This time for the garden, I bought this paint without a sample
and was a little worried that it would be too cream.
It may be called Cream Tea (LoVe the name) but this
garden paint is definitely no cream,
to my great relief it's an old or off white, just what I wanted!

GuInNeSs  HaPpY....
Guinness makes me smile every day, no not the alcoholic variety
but this well traveled little bunny with huge personality,
toilet trained (if he wants to that is)
he has opinions on the telly program,
hind leg thumping if he doesn't approve.
He loves snuggling (on his terms of course)
and follows us around the house.
Goes crazy for peanuts & peanut-butter, he has never drank water
loves salad but only eats carrot when cut with a peeler.
He has us all rapt around his whiskers and he knows it!
Little did I know the day we took him home
from the pet-shop a little over eleven years ago
that Guinness would become such a huge part of our family,
every day with him is a such a giggle & joy!

DuStInG  HaPpY....
I'm defiantly NO domestic goddess when it comes to cleaning

I have to admit though I do LoVe the fresh & new feeling that comes
after a bit of feathered magical wand action!

AuTuMn  HaPpY....
I'm looking forward to my first Autumn 
in Scotland in over twenty years.

Wishing you all a HAPPY start into September!


  1. I think you deserve your new trug purchase for all the hard work in the garden recently.
    Who doesn't love pansies, they are such a cheery little flower.
    Guinness is so cute! I can see why he is loved so much, who could resist that sweet like face.
    Lisa x

  2. I'm so thrilled that September is here and I feel like I can officially dream of autumn now! I hope you get some more sunny weather that you are craving. I will take all of your overcast days! So proud of you for being that trug with no guilt. We need to treat ourselves more! I also NEED the alone time. It's essential to my mental health! Have a lovely day, friend.

  3. Bunny!!! Awwww Guinness is utterly adorable, I can easily see why he makes you so happy.

  4. Hello Anna, so nice to hear that you have had some time of your own... Yes,,it is really important, that I have experienced too.
    Your photos are beautiful as always, love your clematis! And how cute Guinness is!
    Wish you a nice saturday!

  5. Oh I love your hexagon blanket! Such lovely colours.
    Marianne x
