Wednesday 1 June 2016

A Garden Scarf Ta-Dah....

yesterday the cloud's opened just long & wide enough
for me to get a couple of photos at long last
to share with you my latest crochet piece!

I mentioned in my last post this was supposed to be a
easy & quick scarf intended to be finished within a few weeks. 
All was going tickety-boo until "things"
 namely moving house inter-country
dulled & pushed my creative spirit to the side for a little.
When I'm not feeling it creatively it's best
to leave well alone as otherwise
I find myself never happy with the end result! 
I always know my creative sparks will light up again if I give it time.
Finally early last week my crafty fingers started itching again
and my head is doing somersaults with creative ideas.


Let me present to you my finished
  Garden Scarf....
I started this scarf last November using the base pattern
from the English Garden scarf in the Vintage Häkeln (German Title)
Crochet with Color (English Title) book by Kazuko Ryolaiand.  
For the yarn I chose a mix of Debbie Bliss wool's,
Rialto Dk a extra fine Merino wool &
"Mia" a great wool/cotton mix.

Loved....  LoVeD.... LOVED....
working with thees yarns.
They are worth every penny!

Looking at my finished scarf now I can just about imagine
those of you who are familiar with the book looking
at my photos a little confused wondering
if your are thinking of the same book & scarf as I?
You most likely are.
It looks so very little like the English Garden scarf I know.
When I started I had every intention for ONCE to follow
the whole pattern to the letter but after
I finished the base of the scarf I was not
overly enamoured with the plainness of the edges
so I went off-script by adding an edge. 


Once I'm off-script it's kinda hard for me
to get back on it again.
To be honest I didn't even try this time. 
I just continued with my interpretation 
of a Garden scarf.

Oh I soOo love Roses! 
My garden will
always have Roses growing in it. 
I used new pattern ideas for 
my roses but there size of blossom
& thickness of the wool 
made the roses almost a little 
to heavy for the trellis so I had to make 
do with just one of each rose.   

Foliage adds so much texture,
richness & interest into a garden.
For my imaginary garden
I made a few different sizes & shaped leaves
using different left over wool scraps from my
stripy green scarf

Marguerite's &
pink pompom daisies (not sure of their official name)
are very simple but ever so cheery flowers
what is there not to love!?!

In my imaginary garden
flowers grow together in a "wild" mix,
creating sweet little posies

I LoVe you soOo! 
You are a timeless classic that will never go out of style. 
I can't wait to plant some in my garden.
But with no garden to speak of at the moment 
I will have to wait.
Unfortunately our attention & money is needed else where
before my fantasy garden can be turned into a reality,
luckily for me in the meantime I have my 
wonderful Garden Scarf to give me my garden fix!

This scarf is lovely airy, soft & light to wear,
perfect for spring days & cooler summer nights.


It has been so well worth the wait
I LoVe it!!!


p.s. I just wanted to clarify
my going off-script is in no way a negative reflection on the book!
It's not the book....  it's ME!
I'm no good at following rigidly instructions for my makes
I always get the urge to go rogue.   
For me crafting books are more sources of inspiration 
and this book is great for that with many lovely ideas & patterns.


  1. Your scarf is definitely worth the wait. I love the flowers and your touch of a frilly edge. It would make me smile each time I wore it if it were mine.
    I clicked on your link to the previous scarf and was swooning over the makeover on your jacket, those buttons are beautiful!
    Lisa x

  2. That scarf is so beautiful! I cannot even imagine being able to make that. I am the same way when my creative spark leaves me. I find myself frustrated but I know it's not coming back until it wants to!

  3. Such a beautiful scarf :) The green is gorgeous. Thankyou for visiting my blog, hope you come back soon 😀
